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  • Pete's Meat: From the [lazy]eyes of the shooter

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 #1659  by LazyEyes
With a flashlight in one pocket, and a battery in the other I stood at the bank of the sea. The night stars illuminated a ravaged city, I looked around searching for my new found acquaintance. When my failed search led to panic, I sprinted to the tallest building nearby. As I approached I heard two voices from the other side of a concrete wall. I desperately ducked inside a nearby stairwell and scrambled up the steps for a better vantage point.

Three levels up I stumbled onto the mangled decomposing body of a heavily armed woman. I briefly considered mourning the loss of yet another sad citizen of Chernarus, when the ravenous gasps of two infected echoed up the stairwell. I attempted to pry the dead woman's finger off of the akm she clutched, but rigor mortis had set in. As the zombies reached the final set of steps to the floor shared by myself and my dead companion I finally managed to grab the weapon squeezing two shots leaving the infected in a heap above the body I had found. From outside the stairwell I could still hear the voices of a man and woman, now startled from the proximity of the shots.

A third voice joined them, this time a familiar voice. It was my acquaintance. Expecting a fight I rushed down the stairs to help him with the ak smoking in my hands. I could not believe my luck when I arrived to find a friendly conversation about a meat sale. I introduced myself to Mr. Pete and the woman he was with. While he was friendly, something struck me as odd about his companion. Before I could investigate further Mr. Pete invited us all to a complementary barbeque. I realized that I was cold, I was hungry, and I was also wearing a polka dotted dress....

We walked a short distance to the quite beach where we set up the bonfire. Without Delay Mr. Pete threw meat on the fire. The sizzling fat made my mouth water, but it was not enough to distract me from the fact that the mysterious woman had become very silent. I requested a song seeing as we had a beautiful fire under bright stars. Without delay Mr. Pete's rolling baritone obliged. I was nearly too hypnotized by his voice to hear his companion quietly excuse herself from the fire, slowly walking away from the light of the fire.

I attempted to join Mr. Pete in the song. After a second or two he paused disappointed in my lack of talent as if my voice was spoiling the meat he was cooking. It was then that I turned my head to the right, just in time to see a small barrel and scope sticking out from the shadows delicately searching for my head. Behind the weapon was Mr. Pete's devious partner.

Without pause I sprinted away from the fire grabbing the ak as I went shaking slightly from the anger of the betrayal. I took cover behind a bush spinning back to the fire where Mr. Pete sat. I fired once, twice the bullets going through the front of Mr. Pete's face as he turned to face me. I took one step and fired a three shot burst at the woman in the shadows. Both bodies slumped to the ground in unison, my acquaintance standing in shock visibly worried that he would be the next to go.

Since that day every night I lay awake wondering, was Mr. Pete part of the ploy or just an unfortunate innocent who made the wrong friend at the wrong time. I may never know.

In loving memory of Mr.Pete's meat.

 #1674  by JeSTeR
Great story LazyEyes! I apologize for my uncommon behavior, I wanted to gift Mr. Pete with some human meat. I could go more far to shoot you though. I've had my longhorn pointed to your head right in the moment you moved to the bush. Well, nice to meet you and your pal! By the way, some time later I went back to the fireplace. My body and your friend's body was there. I wonder why he was also dead. And, did you sliced Mr. Pete? His body wasn't there, I couldn't hold my tears for longer.
 #1677  by Mr.Pete
lazy eye its lucky i was close to the sea, earlier in the apocalypse i came across a member of a blood cult, instead of sacrificing me he took a knee. it transpired i was a profit to his religion "a man covered in the blood of all animals" he kept saying over and over. being a butcher i was often covered in blood. i gave him an offering of meat but he didnt eat it he just held out his hand and offered me a small stone.. he said it was the heart of the sea and if ever my soul is lost and all is black i will be born again at the sea..... you may have shot me in the face but you cannot kill me!
 #1692  by LazyEyes
My friend and I were gunned down a few seconds after your death Jester. His last words were "This is a terrible idea, we should put this fire out. We are lucky nobody has shot us yet." Pete, thanks for the trade you are a real master of your profession.