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US-3 PVE Server Rules question

PostPosted:Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:18 pm
by Tanner
Heyo, I just want to double up on info given to me. So US-3 is PVE and admins DO take care of players who kill each other right? I mean like obviously I'm still not gonna go about running in the way open fields of where ever but like if I were to be killed some sort of action would be taken against them right? I've been wondering this for a while and any time I see a player I would just stop and run the complete other direction to avoid any contact

Re: US-3 PVE Server Rules question

PostPosted:Sun Jan 01, 2017 7:37 pm
by Polar
We do police US3 on a constant basis with over 3400 current bans. However, still be vigilant. We cannot read a players mind, so it takes damage to be registered for that person to be banned....

If you get killed / injured by a player, post it on the tip line and the assailant will be banned. Then take solace knowing there is one less murderer on the server!

Re: US-3 PVE Server Rules question

PostPosted:Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:34 am
by Tanner
Hahaha, that eases some of the stress of DayZ's constant... well, DayZ moments haha. Thank you ;)