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Ban Confusion/Clarification

PostPosted:Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:07 pm
by NotAZombie
This will be my last topic on this issue, I just want to come to an adult and civil understanding on this issue with both sides being understood.

"Being a troll..." First of all, I find this extremely offensive in the context of this. I was trolling nothing. I agreed with the rule that there shouldn't be any sexual harassment on the TS3. I completely 100% agree with it. If you knew me you would understand this. I merely was seeking a way that it wouldn't have any sexist orientation to it. I love the Colony and the RP and that it is a fully-inclusive community that seeks to promote and grow the game in a positive way for everyone.

I rewrote no rule, I was discussing, calmly, with various people about how the rule was worded, no the rule itself. In a way that wouldn't explicitly single anyone out, including: men, women, transgender, bisexual, or anyone that associated with any other gender group. This was until other people started coming after me and directly called out men and asking if they were going to cry over the wording of the rule. Again not the rule itself. I am sorry, but that should be held to the same standard as if a man said that to a woman. Complete gender equality, that is the ultimate goal of the server, and use as a society, correct? Correct me if I am wrong, Weyland.

I see nothing legitimate about it. While, I do respect people that stand by what they say. However, the definition that you posted is in itself flawed and sexist. I had in it, 'typically women', why yes this is true. It, however, does not say 'explicitly', 'only', 'every'. These are absolutes, and someone with a language degree understands the fallacy associated with them. But I defer, the proper definition would be: "Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature." This one is provided by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

So please, don't make me out to sound like the bad guy. I do support this rule, but I feel that every person should have the right to feel safe on the server and Teamspeak from any kind of harassment. Forgive me for assuming this, but I think you would too. I have no issue with the rule, just that the simple phrasing was not encompassing for every kind person that could be a part of the Colony.

Best wishes you and the Colony,

P.S. Best of luck in 2016