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PostPosted:Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:39 am
by Jenny P
I can't talk for all medics........

But I can safely say that it is an extremely hard job, rewarding most of the time, but very very difficult!

I care about all humans no matter what their crimes and I can safely say I have treated some VERY unfriendly people....... without a second thought....... because that is who I am and what I do.

IF you have got a place on our BLACKLIST then you obviously did something terrible to earn that spot..... and I will hesitate or may even not come out to you at all because you have disrespected and earned the mistrust placed upon your name.....

It is not because I don't care, Or because I want to save my own skin. I get shot at going to calls nearly every time and put myself and my team in danger to save peoples lives but saving someone else’s life comes above preserving my own.

If you cannot respect that then that is your problem. But just know if you ever need me or one of my team we will be there for YOU....

Whether you support us or not...... We WILL be there for YOU in your DARKEST moments, be it a chat because you're feeling ALONE or a helping hand when you are HUNGRY, Or a fire to keep you warm on a COLD night.

Our family is here to help you.