ThurmanMerman wrote:MadVlad wrote:Wow, honestly I wanted to give you an escort but we were enroute to get some goodies and I had to log shortly after.
You've got some balls my man, trying to farm by the cherno PD is a self imposed death sentence!
It's not that hard, honestly. The wall protects you from behind, the 3PP lets you look over it, the trees give you decent cover form the silos if you keep your eye on them, the hospital roof has a fov, but not great.
Honestly, the hard part is getting back to Cherno - and finding supplies there - as it is picked over. I died more today trying to get to Cherno (died 4 of 6 times I was attacked - twice within 5 minutes of spawning) than I did inside its limits (died 2 of 8 times - and 5 of those wins, I prevailed against firearmed opponents with only my ice axe or brass knuckles) .
Granted, that's still 6 deaths, but it was fun. What else am I gonna do? Go get geared up and murder teams? Go hide 18 barrels in the woods and fill them with SVDs and AUGs and FNXs? Go look for other peoples' camps and leave dirty limericks in their tents? Put together offroads and give them away to the first person I pass? I must have 1500 hours in game; I've done it all. Gotta keep it fresh.
I respect your enthusiastic approach when it comes to trying new endeavors and especially difficult, challenging tasks. Setting up a farm in Cherno (heavily visited) on US-1 (heavily bandited) seems almost a recipe for disaster. However, I have not lost all faith in humanity and its ability to surprise. I also believe that the fact that what you are doing is so challenging, makes it much more rewarding. Assuming you successfully become the prolific farmer of Cherno, you would have a tremendous trade operation and social gathering. A particular attempt like such, could end up leading to an event, maybe a gathering of people who share common interests might find similar hobbies.
There is much to do in the game besides kill, and I think that players such as yourself, striving for excellence and dynamic situations are what will keep things from complete anarchy. Being a socially rounded player, with only positive intentions seems to be an unorthodox sight, on US-1.