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Deputy Chronic

PostPosted:Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:05 pm
by ChroniclyInsane
I wandered into this waste land looking for any sort of human contact. Anyone that would help me back on to my feet. The first group that took me made me one of their own. Fed me clothed me and even gave me weapons to defend myself. I couldn't be happier I thought to myself. As the weeks and months continued I started to notice I was not the same as these fellow comrades. Sure they took me because I was strong. But they prey on the weak. What if I was weak. Would I have been taking care of the way I was. I started to ask questions but no one wanted to admit the answer. They were all bad men. I needed to be strong for the ones that cannot be strong for themselves. I find myself back alone and in the dark. But this darkness and alone I felt still was much better than the disease and rot of my previous comrades. I stumbled upon the land and when I thought no hope was possible. A silhouette stepped out of no where and asked if I needed hand. I grabbed the hand and a bright light shown across the land. My eyes cringed shut. My retinas not used to such a light. When I reopened them I saw what was blinding me. It was the glare beaming off a gold star. I knew right then and there this was something good and pure about this symbol. The symbol that will bring humanity out of the gutters. Proud to protect and serve. Deputy Chronic is on the job and looking helpImage

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Re: Deputy Chronic

PostPosted:Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:11 pm
by WrknClssHero
This made me smile from ear to ear Deputy ! Cheers !