Advanced Role-Play Systems 

  • Crossing Chernarus & Basic Way-Finding

  • Guides for the beginner, intermediate, as well as advanced level player
Guides for the beginner, intermediate, as well as advanced level player
 #132  by trepanneur
"Dad, Are We There Yet? Dad, Are We There Yet? Dad, ..."
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So. Are you and your teammates are ready for action, but scattered across the vastness of Chernarus? Maybe you're a Bambi in need of gear because the dead thing that used to be your grandma ate your face. Either way, until we score vehicles, it's time for a boring road trip on foot. Here's how you can cross the map quickly, safely, and without having to visit the ER for carpal tunnel. Some players may already know these handy tricks, so this one is for the beginners.

Where the Hell Am I?!
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Point of origin is key. You're in luck if you already know your exact position and your stats are all in the green. If not, healthy up, determine your city with the road signs, and use that info with one of the maps (I prefer the Dayz DB map). If you're good with landmark recognition, you should be able to nail your exact position down to about 15 meters as well as determine the direction you need to take to arrive at your destination.

Bro, Do you Even Math?
The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. Yet most of the roads in Chernarus more closely resembles a Jackson Pollock painting style. Even with the hills & mountains in your way, it's often a shorter (and less populated) trip if you disregard the roads and just haul ass & cut through. Just make sure there are no rocky cliffs to stroll off. On the map, zoom out from your current position until you can see your destination and draw an imaginary line from your point of origin. Estimate the angle of travel and apply that to the compass you bought from the NHBTC to get the closest direction. If you remember your elementary school orienteering lessons, you'll remember that North = 0°, East = 90°, South = 180°, West = 270°, and so forth. i.e. from your origin, down the map & to the left at a 225° angle would plot your course as a perfect SW *or* down & to the right at a 112.5° angle would set your course on ESE. Here is a helpful chart:
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Everyone Needs to Pee
Is all the above nice & clear? Great. If you didn't TL;DR by now, you probably need to use the washroom. Not to worry. We're going to make this journey efficient as fuck. Now that you've got your course set, make sure you're on a low-population server, get out into the wilderness and double-tap your W key with a weight such as a AA battery or something similar. Make sure the weight stays put as you're hitting W for the second tap, then double-tap the Alt key to make sure you keep running in the right direction. As long as no Zeds give chase for your tasty entrails, you should be safe to let your character run on while you go AFK for a pee, a drink, or maybe even to rub one out.

Keep an eye on major landmarks to ensure you're on course, everyone! And GOOD LUCK!! If all this fails, use the buddy system or just kill yourself.

- Trepanneur